Circular economy as a key contributor to the EU's strategic autonomy
Against the backdrop of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the prospect of energy prices shooting up it makes sense to speed up the transition to a circular economy and increase strategic autonomy.
Russia's innovation of Ukraine comes first and foremost with human suffering of Ukrainian people. It will also impact neighbouring economies – in particular through skyrocketing global energy prices, which will affect countries, businesses, and individuals. This is just one of many reasons to step up our efforts and investments in the circular economy, in order to build a sustainable, just and inclusive future, for the benefit of our businesses and our people, and to boost the strategic autonomy.
In recent years, issues relating to fat, oil and grease(FOG) in the sewer network have increased. In the news, sewer blockages caused by FOG deposits, commonly referred to as ‘fatbergs’, are becoming an almost daily reminder of the problems that FOG can cause.
These FOG blockages lead to sanitary sewer overflows, flood damage to property and pollution of water bodies with sewage. Notwithstanding these environmentally and financial cost, a consistent circular FOG waste management approach has not been developed.
Magnete learned that FOG from Big Dipper and Trapzilla units is prized by biofuel producers. Big Dipper and Trapzilla are engineered to capture FOG with fewer impurities than effluent from standard grease interceptors. A rough calculation suggests that 270kg of FOG from a single Trapzilla unit would yield about 100kg of recyclable effluent, a 40% yield. That’s 3x the yield of a standard grease interceptor.
Inadequate grease management can lead to high costs in commercial kitchens. To avoid fines, maintenance expenses, and operational disruptions, follow these seven strategies:
Local authorities are empowered to inspect premises under the Food Safety Act 1990. Issues caused by fat, oil, and grease in drains, resulting in non-compliance with Food Hygiene regulations, could lead to prosecution or an emergency prohibition order, preventing the premises from trading.
Ready to upgrade your grease management system? Explore the exceptional capabilities of the Big Dipper Grease Trap. Contact us today for a personalised consultation and experience the difference in kitchen efficiency.